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One of the aims for this project was to teach people creative ways of thinking about their waste and how they can re-use it to make new items. I invited three  students from different backgrounds and asked them to  bring their waste.  To see the outcomes from this workshop visit  the PEOPLE section.

        ''WASTE ME NOT''

I have run this workshop with three students: Ana Lopes, Eva Tong and Joshua Redmore. They have been asked to bring unwanted items from their households and  their recycled waste. I provided them with tools which could be found within most homes and asked them to make as many samples as possible using strings, rubber bands, tape as a joining materials. In this 20 min task , they were allowed only to use their waste and not mix it with wastage from another person.

My aim was to show the public that it is easy, cheap and it requires small amout of external matarials to create new thnigs from your waste. By introducing your waste into your daily life again, instead of sending it to companies who incinerate waste, we gain more awareness about  what goes into our bins. We also become better consumers by  reducing  amount of waste  and lowering its impact on our environment. 


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