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1.Teach people creative thinking about their waste.

2.Raise awareness about recycling by running a workshop with members of the public.

3. Present examples of various processes which could be applied to re-use waste within the household, in order to make new usable objects.

4. Create a website as a guide for the general public to learn about recycling and the processes which could be used by them.


In this project I have been asked to focus on one of the TED's TEN  (Textiles Environment Design) strategies. The strategy I have chosen is TED's 2 - Design for Recycling/Upcycling.


We live in the  21st century where the issue of increasing waste created by the human population is reaching an alarming level.

Scientists, global companies, designers and society itself need to take responsibility for the waste they produce and find practical and environmentally   friendly solutions to re-use it in order to save our environment.

My idea was to investigate three particular people's recyclable waste and teach them different ways to re-use it.

If people learn the benefits of using their recycling, they will become better consumers in the future




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